
Energia słoneczna w systemach ciepłowniczych

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Biogaz - niewykorzystane możliwości

Biogaz szansą dla energetyki

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Save The Planet Together

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Dangren – łączenie myśli i wiedzy

Our company is an end-to-end, customer oriented alternative energy company that is centered on the marketing, trading…

Rozwój nowych technologii z jednej strony otwiera nowe możliwości ale z drugiej powoduje konieczność śledzenia zmian i ich analizę, co zabiera cenny czas. Jak to pogodzić? Najbardziej efektywnym sposobem jest bezpośredni kontakt z ekspertami, którzy odpowiedzą na powstałe pytania. Za naszym pośrednictwem możecie Państwo dotrzeć do osób z branży produktów dla energetyki odnawialnej w całej Danii – kraju, który jest niewątpliwym liderem nowoczesnego ciepłownictwa i usług z nim związanych.

Najnowsza wiedza i doświadczenie

Instalacje solarne wielkoformatowe

Team Members

Wind Turbines

Years of Experience

Zielona Enegia - Słońce, Biomasa, Biogaz, Pompy Ciepła, Wiatr, IT!

Over the years we've been involved with the renewable energy business, we've seen thousands...
When it comes to getting (and paying) the energy bills at your household, the...
While as of today alternative energy sources are more widely adopted by industrial and...
When wind turbines are concerned, factories represent the biggest chunk of its market share....
Just a decade ago employing the solar power on an industrial scale seemed like...
In the last couple of decades, wind turbines have gradually become a normalized staple....
Commercial Solar

Over the years we’ve been involved with the renewable energy business, we’ve seen thousands upon…

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Commercial Wind

At the beginning it was adopted by lots of industrial-grade companies and then by a…

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Industrial Solar

But ultimately, thanks to thousands and thousands of days of work done by scientists and…

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Industrial Wind

Used by all kinds of industries, all across the globe, for factories big and small,…

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Other Energy Sources

The world of energy is changing too fast to idly stand by and carry on…

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Repairs & Rentals

Besides providing installations and maintenance servicing for both the solar and wind energy, we also…

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Recent News

Why Solar Energy is Better Than Wind
The world of green energy may be relatively new, but even despite that there’s already a real stockpile of evidence and research which focuses on the efficiency difference between… Choosing…
When Will the World Go Out of Oil?
While this may vary greatly depending on which exact country we’re talking about, still the year that’s been projected by the OPEC organization seems to be 2050. So, is there…